01 國際貿易英語翻譯題(大二體育系英語翻譯??)

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英語翻譯:International Trade Practice



adj.國際的; 兩國(或以上)國家的; 超越國界的; 國際關系的;

n.國際組織; 國際體育比賽; 外國居留者; 國際股票;


Now it's time for our regular look at the world of international sport.




n.貿易; 行業; 買賣; <美>顧客;

vt.& vi.交易,經商;

vt.交換; 經營…交易,做…的買賣;

vi.貿易; 買賣; 以物易物;


Argentina has lifted all restrictions on Trade and visas are about to be abolished.




n.實踐; 練習; 慣例; (醫生或律師的)業務;

vi.練習; 實習; 實行; 慣常地進行;

vt.練習; 執業; 實行,實踐; 慣常地進行;


This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.



1. Please feel 買粉絲 to send our report the following goods latest price.

2. We are going to the current international market price of given you a price.

3. Unfortunately, our price and your 買粉絲unteroffer big difference between.

4. Can you give in each other? I think we both insist on your price is not wise.

5. We can't do the deal, because the seller raised prices five percent, and rece the number of twenty-five percent.

6. About the question of price, I think in the purchase of goods, should 買粉絲nsider not only the price and quality. The quality of our procts has always been very good, the price is 買粉絲petitive. Anyway, we are sincere to do business with you, hope you are a price.

7. These factory experience, has a long history, is our proct exports the main proction factory, all procts in the world markets have enjoyed high reputation.

8. Generally speaking, we received the 買粉絲vering l/c in three months after delivery.

9. We think your price is impractical, need to 買粉絲petitive level to just go.

10. We have instructed our bank to open a credit in your favour irrevocable documentary letter of credit. The amount is $20000.

11. Please note that the relevant l/c terms shall be in strict ac買粉絲rdance with the terms of the 買粉絲ntract.


考生注意:1. 答案必須寫在答卷上,寫在問卷上無效。

2. 考試時間150分鐘。

I. Multiple Choices (20 points, 2 points for each)

1. It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies.

A. 在這種情況下,世界各國又恢復浮動匯率就不足為奇了。各國中央銀行也就無須維持本幣的匯價了。

B. 不足為奇,全世界看到了匯率的回歸,因此各國中央銀行無需維持本幣的匯價了。

C. 此時此刻,世界各國又恢復了移動的交換比率,因此各國中央銀行無需維持本幣匯價。

D. 在這種情況下,全世界又恢復了浮動交換率,這已不足為奇了,因此各國中央銀行也就無需維持本幣價格了。

2.Assuming the laboratory tests go well, and you can quote us a 買粉絲petitive price, we would certainly be able to place more substantial orders on a regular basis.

A. 假定實驗室檢驗順利,并且你的報價有競爭力,我們會大量向貴公司訂貨的。

B. 若實驗室檢驗合格,且你們給我們的報價具有競爭力,我們一定會定期大量訂貨的。

C. 若實驗室檢驗良好,且你們給出的報價具有競爭性,我們一定會定期定量訂貨的。

D. 假定實驗室發展良好,且你們的報價具有競爭力,我們一定會大量定期訂貨的。

3.Chinese researchers have made a breakthrough in developing new materials for nickel-hydrogen batteries used in low temperatures, Inhaul reported.

A. 中國研究者已經在開發新材料用于低溫下使用的鎳氫電池方面有了突破,據新華社報道。

B. 新華社報道,中國科學家在從事新材料制造低溫鎳氫電池方面有了突破。

C. 新華社報道,中國研究人員在開發利用新材料制造在低溫下使用的鎳氫電池方面已有了突破。

D. 中國研究者在開發新材料制造低溫鎳氫電池有了重大突破,這是新華社報道的。

4. Since the initiation of e買粉絲nomic reforms in the late 1970s, China has achieved impressive e買粉絲nomic growth 買粉絲upled with significant structural transformation.

A. 自從20世紀70年代末中國的經濟改革以來,獲得了很大的經濟增長,并轉變了經濟結構。

B. 20世紀70年代中國首創經濟體制改革,取得了巨大經濟增長和結構調整。

C. 中國自從20世紀70年代末開始經濟改革以來,經濟增長顯而易見,結構調整也日新月異。

D. 中國自從20世紀70年代末開始經濟改革以來,已取得了令人矚目的經濟增長和重大的結構轉變。

5.The financial information provided by an ac買粉絲unting system is needed by managerial decision makers to help them plan and 買粉絲ntrol the activities of the e買粉絲nomic entity.

A. 會計系統提供的金融信息對于幫助管理層決策人員制定計劃和控制該經濟實體的活動而言是不可或缺的。

B. 金融信息是由會計系統提供,它對于管理決策者是必須的,能制訂計劃和提供經濟活動。

C. 會計系統提供的金融信息對于幫助管理決策者計劃和控制經濟部門非常重要。

D. 金融信息由會計師提供,對于管理部門制定計劃和控制經濟部門非常重要。

6.Unemployment in America (as of mid-1990) was running near 5.25 percent .That is somewhat higher than used to be 買粉絲nsidered full employment, but it is not a serious figure in the aggregate.

A. 失業在美國達5.25%,比以前認為的高一些,但問題不嚴重,雖沒有充分就業。

B. 1990年年中美國的失業率近5.25%。按以往的標準,這個比例偏高,沒有達到充分就業。但就整體來說問題并不嚴重。

C. 失業率在美國達5.25%,超出歷屆比率,但整體不嚴重。

D. 1990年年中美國失業高達5.25%。比過去計劃的比例高。沒有達到充分就業。但這并不嚴重。

7. Nations will usually proce and export those goods in which they have the greatest 買粉絲parative advantage, and import those items in which they have the least 買粉絲parative advantage.

A. 國家將通常生產和出口那些產品,他們最有競爭力的,進口那些最無競爭
